The Qawalangin Tribe fisheries program joins biologists, social scientists, and outreach/educators with stakeholders to develop a system of cooperative resource management for subsistence while additionally creating programs for youth education and strategic community outreach.
Our Current Objectives
Build on partnership with Alaska Department of Fish and Game to work toward co-management of the weir at McLees Lake, to monitor sockeye salmon escapement of this important subsistence salmon run.
Build and strengthen existing collaborative relationships with sister Tribes, local and regional partner organizations, and federal and state agencies.
Engage in youth and community education outreach on subsistence fisheries management, including opportunities for students and local residents to engage in fisheries and research management projects.
Identify and communicate regional subsistence management issues and information needs to the Federal Subsistence Management Program.
Engage local subsistence users in the Federal Subsistence Management Program.
Facilitate and conduct research and management projects which provide information for federal subsistence managers.